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The Chaos Show - registrations are open!

Writer's picture: FPAWFPAW

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

We are excited to open up the registrations for the Chaos Show!

Go to and register for any of the events you want to join!

During each event, you will be able to talk directly to the representatives of each manufacturer.

Who is exhibiting?


cPRO LCS basics and general cmotion product overview Nov 3rd, 2pm & 8pm (GMT)

In this session, we will introduce cPRO LCS - the latest wireless lens and camera control solution from cmotion. We will explain the concept behind cPRO, show the main components, demonstrate the simplicity of setting the system up, and explain some of the key features. We will also touch on the cvolution LCS, famed for its modularity, 3D and advanced lens synchronization capabilities, the cmotion compact ONE and a range of cmotion accessories compatible with both cmotion and ARRI.

cmotion PRO accessories and integrations

Nov 4th, 2pm & 8pm (GMT)

In this session, we will introduce the full range of cmotion PRO accessories. This will include the award winning Cinefade VariND, cvision focus assist, steady zoom and pan-bar zoom, cdistance, flight head adapter, broadcast solutions and cPRO camin. We will also introduce some of our partners including SISU and Ncam who have implemented cmotion products into their packages. - Hosted by Steve Chappell

cPRO advanced features & roadmap

Nov 5th, 2pm & 8pm (GMT)

This session is great for all focus pullers already working with or thinking about cPRO LCS. sales director Steve Chappell and product manager Dennis Böhm will dive deep into the advanced features the cPRO system has to offer. They will not only highlight and demonstrate the most advanced and unique features available with cPRO but will also share some great tips & tricks.

Looking for MORE? Dennis will also share some exciting updates about future features and development planned for the cPRO ecosystem. Don’t miss it!

- Hosted by Dennis Böhm and Steve Chappell

cvision focus assist

Nov 6th, 2pm & 8pm (GMT)

In this session, we will be introducing and demonstrating the latest cvision focus assist. We will explain the technology behind the system and demonstrate some of the unique features including focus peaking, multiple autofocus trigger options and organic auto to manual focus transition when used with a cPRO LCS.

During the session, we will also welcome cmotion community manager Gunnar Mortensen. Gunnar will be sharing his experiences working with cvision on the latest season of Apple`s The Morning Show.

Cinefade VariND

Nov 7th, 2pm & 8pm (GMT)

In this session, we are covering everything you need to know about the versatile Cinefade VariND. The Cinefade effect (changing depth of field in shot) is a unique cinematic tool used in numerous TV series and award-winning films. But, Cinefade VariND is also a great everyday accessory offering dynamic or incremental ND or Rota Pola control from a wireless hand unit providing a silky smooth transition for interior to exterior shots, changes in lighting conditions or reflections.

During this session, we will also invite cmotion community manager Martin Larsen. Martin has been using Cinefade VariND for most of his recent projects and says it is his go-to-tool for all his Rota Pola and ND needs. It is particularly helpful passing wireless control to the DP or DIT when required.

Focusbug Tech Inc.

Focusbug Q&A

Nov. 7th 3pm | 7pm (GMT)

Laird Pierce, 1st AC, Designer and Sales Director will host an informal Zoom session to answer questions and discuss all things Focusbug related. Feel free to join in to learn more about the Cine RT System, the “Retrofit”, new firmware, system expansion products and the path ahead.

Hedén Group

Introduction to the YMER-3 Focus system

Nov 8th, 6pm (GMT)

A demonstration and introduction to the Hedén YMER-3 high-end wireless control system for Focus / Iris / Zoom.


Updates and Workflow Tips for ARRI Cameras

Nov. 8th, 1pm | 5pm (GMT)

Two for the price of one! A double session with ARRI’s Product Manager for Cameras, Frederic Merten, and Product Manager for Storage Media, Oliver Temmler. Fred has several updates to share about the latest additions to the ALEXA Mini LF in firmware SUP 7.1 and will share some news about the continued development and imminent introduction of the

universal B-Mount battery standard. Oliver is available for all data wrangling-related

questions and will run through some of his favourite, most efficient, Codex Compact Drive workflows. Both are keen to hear your experiences on set and to hear your feature requests for future product developments.

The presentation is followed by a live Q&A session, giving you the chance to ask.

Consistent Beauty with Signature Lenses

Nov. 9th, 1pm | 5pm (GMT)

Join Thorsten Meywald, Product Manager for ARRI Optical Systems, in a session about how the Signature Lenses have been designed to offer smooth and efficient workflows for camera assistants. We’ll take a deep dive on the advantages the LPL mount standard brings to the table, and you’ll get to see some examples of how the rear filter holder for ARRI Signature Lenses has allowed cinematographers to get creative without sacrificing the reliability and user-friendly operation that we know camera assistants need to get their job done.

The presentation is followed by a live Q&A session, giving you the chance to ask.

No Chaos with ARRI Accessories

Nov. 10th, 1pm | 5pm (GMT)

Philip Vischer, Product Manager for ARRI PCA, will be online to give you a brief rundown of the latest innovations in our Pro Camera Accessories range. He’ll be showing off a range of new handles and handle extensions, rod mounting brackets, LMB 4x5 accessories and the new Lightweight Lens Support which is the only support on the market designed for rigging studio zooms and larger lenses to LWS 15mm rails. Philip is also keen to hear your feedback, ideas for new products or improvements to the large range of tools we manufacture specifically for camera assistants.

The presentation is followed by a live Q&A session, giving you the chance to ask.

Hi-5 Ecosystem - Superior signal quality

Nov. 11th, 1pm | 5pm (GMT)

Christine Ajayi-Scheuring, Product Manager for the ARRI Electronic Control System, is keen to share some updates about the world of Hi-5 and to run through some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received since the product launch. She’ll walk you through some examples of the flexibility that the Hi-5 Ecosystem now offers camera departments thanks to the RIA-1 Radio Interface Adapter, such as remote iris control with the OCU-1 or range extension for the SXU-1. The announcement of Focus Bug integration has excited many focus pullers, so we’ll take a closer look at how that works, and we’ll examine how the new ECS Sync App provides access to the large range of existing user-created Lens Data Archive tables, including those hosted on FPAW. Plus, hear some updates on the new radio modules and how they’ll help you cut through the Chaos that is RF interference on set.

The presentation is followed by a live Q&A session, giving you the chance to ask.


Deep-dive into TECHNOVISION 1.5X and Evolution 2X Anamorphics

Nov 9th, 6pm (GMT)

Cinematographers who seek the classic look of the iconic TECHNOVISION lenses from the 1970s can now achieve that look with the new TECHNOVISION 1.5X series currently consisting of five primes (40, 50, 75, 100 and 135mm) and two anamorphic zooms (40-70mm and 70-200mm).

The EVOLUTION 2X are built on the success of the legendary and nowadays rare frontanamorphic Kowas. The original set consists of 4 focal lengths (40, 50, 75, 100) and was extended by a new developed 32mm and 135mm. The lenses are the smallest, most compact cine anamorphics on the market today performing magnificently on S35 cameras and from the 75mm on up to Full Format (36 x 24mm).

Learn more about our product range, upcoming focal lenghts and the importance of lenses in creating a special look!


NanoLockit Live Logging

Nov. 7th, 3pm (GMT)

Created with directors, filmmakers, and video journalists in mind: mark good and bad clips directly on set - by pressing buttons on one nano gadget: the Ambient NanoLockit. These logs can be imported to Premiere Pro (native panel) as markers.

Learn more at

Lockit+ Preview

Nov. 9th, 3pm (GMT)

The soon to be published Lockit+ is the metadata hub on set. As part of the Lockit Timecode infrastructure it can be used as Timecode Generator, Frequency Scanner, Sound Devices Remote Control and Metadata Recorder. Focus topic in this session: frame accurate recording of Cooke /I Lens Data.

Light Widow

Filter Reading Matte Box Demo + Q&A

Nov. 10th, 5pm (GMT) | Nov. 11th, 1am (GMT)

The Light Widow FRS-Light is a first of its kind filter reading matte box. The filter reading system allows users to easily swap filters in and out without having to go through the process of adding and removing filter tags to the side of the matte box. Using small RFID, the FRS-Light detects the type and position of each inserted filter and displays the information so that the cam op and AC can easily keep track of what is in the matte box. On top of that, the FRS-Light logs the filter information to a removable SD card. Using timecode, the matte box filter data can easily be referenced for each take after shooting. In the future, filter info also will be sent directly to the camera metadata for easy accessibility during post-production.

We will dive into all the features of our new FRS-Light filter reading matte box, including mechanical functionality, workflow, and integration.

Mo-Sys Engineering

Focus pulls between real and virtual in an LED volume

Nov 11th, 5pm (GMT)

Mo-Sys has now added the ability to seamlessly pull focus between the real and virtual scene, whilst continually monitoring the camera’s position relative to the LED wall. The feature is called Cinematic XR Focus. Using Preston wireless lens controllers, focus pullers are now able to set up for the specific lens mounted on the camera. The Mo-Sys solution takes the control signals from the Preston and allows it to move both the real and virtual focus plane up to the LED wall, then it seamlessly shifts to controlling just the virtual focus plane in the virtual graphics scene. This is possible even with a moving camera.

Join us for a demonstration of this innovative new feature.

3 Kommentare

Wooow! This is ******* amazing!!! Great job and thank you to infinity!! No words!

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